Welcome to Camp Cuore, a fun-filled camp located a few hundred miles from Rome, Italy. Look around, read the rules, and if you like what you see, then please join.
Location Italy Time Early Summer Weather Nice and Sunny
Weather: Sunny with slight wind most days. Some weather varies and fogs/rain rolls in.
Age: 14-18 for campers. 13 year olds are allowed if they are close to 14. 18+ for counselors.
Ethnicity: Any.
Animals: Are allowed. None are allowed in the dining hall unless it's a therapy/service animal. No wild animals. Exotics such as ferrets and reptiles are allowed though.
Color Camps: Red Camp is for the 17-18 year olds. Blue is for the 16 year olds. Green is for the 15 year olds. Yellow is for the 14 year olds.